Rotating Theme Challenge

June 29th 2020 we finished the 3×3 Lock Down Challenge and started with a new challenge: The Rotating theme challenge, which is a mixture of different techniques, themes and formats. Each theme lasts a week and ends on Sunday evening. The theme will come back after three weeks (rotation). You will get used to the theme and format and together we will produce a series. We work on 4 different themes.

At the December 2020 meeting two new themes were introduced replacing Public Transport and HDR cityscape: Triptych and Red Ball

Hoover over the picture and you will see the name of the photographer (the slideshow pauses). Mover your cursor out of the way to continue.

Red Ball


Square, black and white portrait or macroweek

Public transport colour normal size 2:3 or 3:4

HDR cityscape colout normal size 2:3 or 3:4

Square, black and white architecture