The first ever exclusive virtual club night will be held on Tuesday 21 April, 20:00hrs!
The club night will be run with Skype. You will receive an email before the meeting with a link. Further details are provided by e-mail as prepared by Kamal . As this is a first virtual meeting, we have decided to just present a limited programme, so we all can get acquainted with meeting in this way and have time to overcome any possible technical hiccups
The agenda for the evening is as follows:
1. Opening and welcome
2. How is everybody?
3. Poty March: presenting photos and marks
4. Poty April: presenting photos and marks
5. Weekly challenge: please participate; any suggestions?
6. Any other business
7. Evaluation of virtual evening: suggestions for the next meeting
The Poty competition virtual rules:
We still have to complete two POTY months, e.g. March and April. POTY theme for March was Composition Lines, and in April the theme isComposition Rules of Thirds (click on links to see Images website for more info). We will now run both POTY processes in the Images Skype conference on 21 April.
In order to these POTY procedures smoothly we have agreed to the particular submission and voting process. Details have been sent by e-mail
Tuesday, 14 April midnight: | Deadline for POTY photo submission, one E-mail for March and one E-mail for April to be E-mailed to lex |
Friday 17 April midnight: | Deadline for POTY pdf-documents to members |
Saturday & Sunday, 18 & 19 April: | Voting by members and sending one E-mail for March and one E-mail for April: to be emailed to the general images e-mail adress |
Sunday, 19 April midnight: | Closing date for voting E-mails |
Tuesday 21 April: | 20:00hrs: The Images Skype meeting |
We hope you will enjoy this new experience!
Stay well, stay safe!