Bazaar of Idea, Hoefkade 11. Join us before hand from 7pm onwards.
Dear Members New and Old,
We are excited about a full and exciting programme for the coming club year. Our first meeting is an open meeting, everyone is welcome to come along. Please invite any like-minded people who you think may enjoy our club.
We will open the meeting with a presentation from Armando Jongejan FRPS on the Rockin Rotterdam project a photographic project of the Royal Photographic Society in which we took part last year. After a short break information will be given about membership, programme and syllabus.
Don’t forget that this month’s POTY theme: Sunnyside of life, two pictures per person can be entered (see our POTY rules).
Registration: Please register via the Facebook event listing (public) (members) or send an email to
We look forward to seeing you all next Tuesday.