List of Current Projects

Buildings (Joop, Geeske, Heather, Polina, Robert , Hossein) The changing face of The Hague, Old and new buildings, Ecological housing Jugend style/ Art Nouveau, Berlage architecture, Libraries

Public Space  Hidden in The Hague city center (Roberto, Lucia), Markets and bazaars (Roberto, Lucia) Hidden hofjes ( Joop, Susanne)

Historical Sites Burial grounds/Jewish graves/war graves  (Lesley, Heather, Lucia)

Cultural Identity, Cultural clothing in the Hague (Lucia) Traditional Dutch costumes in Scheveningen (Lucia, Heather)

Photo Journalism Recycling (Timco, Susanne, Heather). Follow a group or groups of refugees (Lucia). Transport, to and from (Susanne). Ecological builders (Timco). Artists in The Hague (Timco, Joop, Lucia, Geeske) 

Other Reflections (Heather? Kamal, Roberto) Power of the sea / Dykes-reclaimed  (Susanne) Flowers in concrete nature in the city (Polina, Hossein)

NEXT STEP – GET FOCUS The next step is to discuss and visualize the product you want to make, what is inside and what is outside the scope using e.g skype, whatsapp group, mail, meet in the pub. And/Or Do a Try Out. Write a short scope document (1/2 A4) / Note of Intent. Present it briefly at the meeting.

Example  of a brief Note of Intent presented December 19th 2017

  • Subject Zandmotor: a stage in which people wander around to experience the ever-changing play of sun, sea, sky and shoreline.
  • Feeling of freedom, depth, yet dissociated
  • Fixed location: Ter Heijde and Kijkduin
  • Fixed format 16:9 (panoramic)
  • Desaturated, nearly B&W (dissociated)